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Evil spirits cause two men to strip naked after stealing a car in Kenya (Photos/Video)

Mombasa residents
Mombasa residents were on 6th September woken up to a surprise after two men suspected to have stolen a car, Nissan Fuga on Friday night at an entertainment club in Bamburi, Mombasa were attacked by evil spirits, Kahawatungu  reports

The car is said to belong to a man living near Anwarali, in Kisauni constituency. They were driving the car towards Bamburi Mtambo from Bamburi Mwisho.
The two striped naked and started bathing in a nearby pool of muddy water saying that it was so hot and they needed a bath.
They picked up a snake which was allegedly following them and started speaking and dancing with it around their necks. They threatened to throw the snake to the crowd.
Police, who arrived later, took the two to Bamburi Police Station.
Watch video below…

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